建筑设计怎么看中国元素 数字建筑设计思维

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DigitalFUTURES WORLD: ARCHITECTS UNITE6月27日-7月3日:DigitalFUTURES工作营与论坛7月4日-7月5日:DigitalFUTURES特别活动digitalfutures.tongji.edu.cnTopics课程主题向高迪学习–设计构成,几何与性能化建筑的新策略Learning from Gaudí – Design composition, geometry, and novel strategies for performative architectureInstructors导师简介

教授是斯威本科技大学“智慧城市研究所”的创始人。他的研究方向是未来人类的智慧城市,使其能够预见并满足所有智慧城市居民的需求。在此之前,他曾任墨尔本大学University of Melbourne城市未来教授(2014),RMIT空间信息架构实验室(SIAL 2001)和设计研究院(DRI 2008)的创始主任。Mark兼任学者,研究人员和作家三重身份。在2018年,因其在空间信息架构,数字制造和建构方法应用方面上的杰出贡献,被授予“澳大利亚勋章”,并于同年当选澳大利亚科学与工程学院(ATSE)院士。马克(Mark)是一位执业建筑师,他在国际上发表了两个主要主题:在追求“具有挑战性的”建筑方面将理论付诸实践,以及建筑师安东尼·高迪的生活,工作和理论。从1979年到2016年,他一直担任圣家族大教堂基金会的高级建筑师。近四十年来,马克一直在帮助阐明高迪的构成奥秘,尤其是那些来自他晚年的策略,其影响近年来在将建筑物质化的时候才变得显而易见。Prof. Mark Burry is the Founding Director for Swinburne University of Technology’s ‘Smart Cities Research Institute’. His role is to lead the development of a whole-of-university research approach to helping ensure that our future cities anticipate and meet the needs of all – smart citizens for smart cities. Prior this he was Professor of Urban Futures at the University of Melbourne (2014), the founding Director of RMIT’s Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory (SIAL 2001) and Design Research Institute (DRI 2008). In 2018 Mark was appointed as an Officer of the Order of Australia for “distinguished service to spatial information architecture as an academic, researcher and author, and as an innovator in the application of digital manufacturing and construction methods”. 2018 also saw Mark elected as Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (ATSE). Mark is a practicing architect who has published internationally on two main themes: putting theory into practice with regard to procuring ‘challenging’ architecture, and the life, work and theories of the architect Antoni Gaudí. He has been Senior Architect to the Sagrada Família Basilica Foundation from 1979 until 2016. For almost four decades Mark has been helping untangle the mysteries of Gaudí’s compositional strategies, especially those strategies coming from his later years, the implications of which are only start becoming fully apparent as they are resolved for building purposes.


是屡获殊荣的建筑师和城市设计师,Harrison and White的协同主任、讲师、研究员、斯威本科技大学设计学院卫生,艺术与设计学院城市设计教授。他因对实践,教学和研究的贡献而获得了RAIA Haddon旅行奖学金、AIA维多利亚州新兴建筑师奖、首届AIA国家新兴建筑师奖、AIA住宅建筑奖Graham Treloar奖学金,并且最近被授予澳大利亚著名的大学教学杰出贡献奖。他对城市建模和新设计方法的设计研究已在澳大利亚,北美,亚洲和欧洲广泛发表并展出。Prof. Marcus White is an award-winning architect and urban designer, co-director of Harrison and White, lecturer, researcher, Professor of Urban Design at the School of Design, Faculty of Health, Arts and Design – Swinburne University of Technology. He has been awarded the RAIA Haddon Travelling Scholarship, the AIA Victoria Emerging Architect Award, the inaugural AIA National Emerging Architect Award for his contribution to practice, teaching and research, an AIA residential architecture award, Graham Treloar Fellowship, and was recently been awarded the prestigious Australian Citation for Outstanding Contributions in University teaching. His design research into urban modelling and new design methods has been widely published and exhibited throughout Australia, North America, Asia and Europe.

是一位建筑工程师和机器人专家,他热衷于将研究转化为澳大利亚的行业应用,尤其是在建筑设计和建筑行业。他是斯威本大学建筑工程学的创始讲师,也是斯威本2019年设计系创新研究员,研究内容是发展创新的先进制造企业Curvecrete。他在多学科工程公司的应用研究成果方面具有深厚的行业知识,并且同时跨机构和创新领域来开展其工作,他将团队召集在一起以解决建筑行业的一些最紧迫的挑战。他的工作重点是利用先进的制造和自动化技术以开发更实用的方法,以及利用更高级别的计算集成和互操作性,以在协调所有环境和操作因素的情况下实现前者。他曾主持过多个国际研讨会,包括2014年和2016年的Smart Geometry,2016年的CAADRIA。此次工作营里,他将侧重在针对风运动的概念性结构设计因素上,以及以最有效的方式快速迭代概念所需的计算框架。Daniel is an architectural engineer and roboticist passionate about translating research towards industry adoption in Australia, particularly in the building design and construction industry. He is the founding lecturer in Architectural Engineering at Swinburne University and was Swinburne’s 2019 Design Faculty Innovation Fellow to further develop an innovative advanced manufacturing venture, Curvecrete. He has deep industry knowledge, in applied research outcomes for multi-disciplinary engineering firms, and works across institutions and innovation precincts bringing teams together to solve some of the most pressing challenges in the building and construction industry. His focus is on the exploitation of advanced manufacturing and automation techniques towards more resourceful methods of construction; and the utilisation of higher levels of computational integration and interoperability to achieve the former in orchestration with all environmental and operational factors. He has championed multiple international workshops including, Smart Geometry 2014 and 2016, CAADRIA 2016. His focus for this particular workshop will be on conceptual structural design factors for wind actions and the computational framework required to quickly iterate through concepts in the most effective way.

Dr. Mehrnoush Latifi Khorasgani是Swinburne理工大学设计学院的一名讲师,他对建筑学有着深厚的行业知识。她领导着智慧城市研究院的跨学科研究主题“智慧城市的智慧皮肤”。她的创作实践,研究和教学涵盖建筑,虚拟和增强现实,热舒适性,微气候设计和数字制造等领域。她的研究兴趣集中在通过智能皮肤设计以及针对微气候的设计。她探讨了几何,颜色和材料的物理和有形设计语言如何塑造动态,以及那些无形却有效的设计元素,从而影响我们对建筑环境的看法。她的创意作品曾在多个国家和国际展览中展出,例如Craft ACT 2015和Craft ACT 2016,Canberra and Dynamics of Air,墨尔本RMIT画廊2018。她曾主持多个国际研讨会,包括2014年和2016年的Smart Geometry,2016年的CAADRIA。该研讨会的重点是将太阳能分析和计算框架集成到早期的迭代设计过程中,从建筑类型的宏观到建筑表层的微观设计。Mehrnoush is a lecturer in the School of Design at Swinburne University of Technology with deep industry knowledge in Architecture. She is leading the multidisciplinary research theme of “Smart Skins for Smarter Cities” in Smart Cities Research Institute. Her creative practice, research, and teaching span the fields of architecture, virtual and augmented reality, thermal comfort, microclimate design, and digital fabrication. Her research interests focus on the design with, and for, microclimates through the design of smart skins. She explores how the physical and tangible design language of geometry, colour and material are shaping dynamic, and invisible but effective aspects of design, influencing our perceptions of the built environments. Her creative works have been exhibited in various national and international exhibitions such as Craft ACT 2015 and Craft ACT 2016, Canberra and Dynamics of Air, RMIT Gallery 2018 in Melbourne. She has championed multiple international workshops including, Smart Geometry 2014 and 2016, CAADRIA 2016. Her focus for this workshop will be on the integration of solar analysis and computational framework into early stage iterative design process, from macroscale of building typologies to microscale of façade design.

Canhui ChenCanhui Chen

是斯威本科技大学建筑设计讲师,在那里他教第二年的建筑工作室,专门研究数字制造和建筑。在加入Swinburne之前,Canhui在墨尔本大学建筑学院经营建筑设计工作室,过去五年主要研究数字设计如何为传统制造技术带来新生命。从2016年至2017年,他在RMIT的设计创新与技术硕士课程中担任数字研究员,并担任行业研究员。灿辉还在国际会议上举办了研讨会,包括智能几何学和亚洲计算机辅助建筑设计研究协会(CAADRIA)。Canhui is a Lecturer in Architectural Design at Swinburne University of Technology where he teaches second-year architecture studios specialising in Digital Fabrication and Construction. Prior to joining Swinburne, Canhui ran architectural design studios at the Melbourne School of Design focused on how digital design brings new life to traditional manufacturing techniques; a subject explored in his past five years of research. He led the digital fabrication stream in the Master of Design Innovation and Technology at RMIT as an industry fellow from 2016-2017. Canhui has also run workshops at international conferences including Smart Geometry and CAADRIA (The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia)Other works过往研究或其他作品- 杂志与书刊 -

FabPod项目接受了在RMIT新设计中心的9层DRI开放工作环境中设计一个会议室外壳的挑战。FabPod研究包括了对双曲线表面的声音扩散特性的探讨,以及在开放式办公室设计里建设一个半封闭会议区域的问题,并且结合了数字建模和大规模定制的CNC原型以及工艺生产和材料效果的建筑传统。FabPod project took up the challenge of designing and prototyping a meeting room enclosure to sit within the DRI open work environment on level 9 in the new Design Hub at RMIT.FabPod combines research into the sound diffusing properties of hyperbolic surfaces, with the problem of small semi enclosed meeting areas in open plan settings, utilising a combination of digital modelling and mass customised CNC prototyping and architectural traditions of craft production and material effects.- 项目: Walkability and Morphology -





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