编一个问路的英语情景对话 问路英语情景对话30句

沐流尘2022-07-14 09:26:17情感2817


一、问怎么走?比如:1、Could you tell me the way to the post office?你能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗?(the way to 去怎么走?)

举一反三:Railway station火车站怎么走呢?Excuse me ,can you show me the way to the railway station?

2、I wonder if you could tell me how to get to the City Library from here(I wonder if 是否可以)。

从这里到市图书馆怎么走?(how to get to 怎么去?)

举一反三:从这里到星光饭店、西湖公园(park)、友谊宾馆(Friendship Hotel)怎么走?

3、I wonder if you could tell me where the post office is?是否可以请你告诉我邮局在哪?(where the is在什么地方)

举一反三:Bank 银行

4、可以先加Sorry to trouble you。然后再问路。

5、如不知道对方所问的地方:Sorry,I am stranger here myself,You have better ask someboby else我对这个地方不熟悉,你最好问一下别人。

或者:But I have suggest you take a taxi .It is quicker 我建议你最好叫出租,那要快些。

Well ,I will take a taxi .can I call a taxi here?好吧,我就叫出租车,可以在这儿叫吗?

二、答怎么走,即指路,比如:1、沿这条街往前走,大约走4分钟,邮局就在那条街的拐角处。Go Straight along this street ,You walk about four minutes ,The post office is at the corner of that street. at the corner of拐角处也可以用:Straight ahead ,一直朝前走。Go back the way you come沿来路走回去。

或者是:Follow that road down until you come to a bus-stop . Friendship Hotel is not far from the bus-stop.沿着这条路,到达汽车站,友谊宾馆离汽车站不远。

如果友谊宾馆在这条路的尽头,可以这样说:Follow this road down .the Friendship Hotel is at the end of it.


1、Do you know which bus will take me to the people's Hotel?你知道去人民宾馆要乘哪路车吗?

2、我在哪里乘车去邮局Where do I get a bus for the post office或者:Is this the right bus for the post office 这是去邮局的车吗?

3、乘哪路车可去市图书馆Which bus will take me to the City Library ?

4、回答:Take bus No.2 2路汽车

有可能会再问一句:Where shall I get off (下车) then? At the bus terminal 然后我又在哪里下车呢?回答:terminal终点站

四、问有多远?How far is it?四、问有多远?How far is it?

1、Is it far from here?离这儿远吗?2、How long does(will)it take,overall?要花多少时间?要走多久?3、It takes about fiteeen minutes ,Have you got it at all?大约15分钟,懂了吗?

4、回答:It is not far at all .It is only thirteen-minutes walk.一点不远,只有13分钟的路程。It’s just three stations, when you get off at the post office ,go straight forward


也可以选用以下句型:About a mile / kilometer 大约一英里(一公里)An hour by car/ bus/ train 开车/ 坐公共汽车 /坐火车一小时

五、表示客气:1、多谢啦:many thanks(Thank you very much) Thanks a lot谢谢你(帮了我的忙)。Thank you for your kindness (help)2、That is all right 别客气My pleasure 不用谢 you are welcome. Don not mention itNot at all(I am glad to be of help)我很高兴能帮助你。

六、例文分析:A(Visitor观光客): Excuse me .Do you speak English?对不起,请问你会说英文吗?B(Native当地人):Yes.Is there some problem ?会。有什么问题吗?

A:How can I get to the star light Hotel from here?从这里到星光饭店怎么走?

B:Ok ,Let me see ,you walk straight down this street让我想一想,从这条街一直走下去。(Down沿着,作介词用.)You walk directly south until you reach main street, you continue past main street ,Then turn left and walk straight ,you will see the star light Hotel on the rihgt .往南笔直走到大街,过了大街之后,再左转再一直走到大街,星光饭店就在你右边。

B:along the way,You’ll see the theater on the other side of the street 沿途,你会看到对街有一家戏院。Oh,that is right near the TaiPei Hilton Hotel 哦,就在台北希尔顿饭店旁边。The place You want is right near there你要去的地方就在那儿附近。

On the way 途中You’ll go past the theater on the other side of the street 你会经过对街的一家戏院。It’s right across the street 就在对街




标签: 英语

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